How to Get Your Hands on Preorder Swag!
Summer is here. That means bugs as big as your face. Extreme heat. Sticky skin. And air so humid we could slurp it through a straw. Yum.
It’s also camping season. That means campfires, s’mores, the great outdoors…and cryptids.
Studies show that in July and August, there is a 4,000% rise in cryptid sightings. This is a true statistic. Look it up if you don’t believe me. I guarantee you will find at least one news article about a recent lake monster sighting. If you do find one…send it to me? Please?
It Came from the Trees doesn’t publish for another 25 days, so it will not aid you in your battle against the outdoors. Therefore, I (someone who has never been camping a day in my life) would like to give you (a seasoned veteran of the outdoors) a few camping tips.
But first, a few book things…
Preorder Swag

It’s finally here! You can be the proud owner of a sticker pack, a bookmark, a postcard, and a signed bookplate when you preorder It Came from the Trees from Copper Dog Books in Beverly, MA. Why Copper Dog? Because you’ll be supporting one of my favorite indie bookstores, and Copper Dog is kindly hosting my book launch.
If you’ve already preordered the book like a good little scout, submit your receipt here.
Book Launch
Will you be in New England on Tuesday, July 30? Then join me at Copper Dog Books for the launch of It Came from the Trees! The details are below, but please follow me on Instagram (@onedarkally) to keep up with event details.

👻 Spooktastic Book Fair 👻
If you won’t be in New England in July but will be there in September, then join me at the Spooktastic Book Fair in Framingham, MA. I, along with a cackle of adult, YA, and MG horror authors (yes, that’s what a group of horror authors is called), will be taking over the Framingham Public Library to spook up the place before October.
Saturday, September 7, 2024 | 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET
49 Lexington Street | Framingham Public Library | Framingham, MA
Event Details Here

Camping Tips
Now. It’s probably better if you just stay home. Watch a movie. Read a book.
But I’m certain you are like every horror protagonist, and you’re going to do the thing that you aren’t supposed to do. So, here are those camping tips I promised. (P.S. I cannot think of anyone—not a single person—who is more qualified to give you wilderness survival tips than a writer who is afraid of everything.)

1. Do not go to the woods alone. There’s safety in numbers…sometimes.
2. Do not camp where there have been reported sightings of bigfoot, dogmen, ghost lights, or UFOs.
3. Stick. To. The. Trail. You will be tempted to step off the trail to look at one thing or another, but don’t do it.
4. Do not fall behind the rest of the group. Just don’t. You will end up in a different timeline or dimension. You will.
5. If you hear something call your name, never, ever respond. See also tip #3.
6. Do not go to the bathroom alone, especially at night. See tip #1. Something is out there, and it IS watching you.
7. Make sure your flashlight has fresh batteries. The thing that’s watching you can’t get you if you stay in the light.
8. Look over your shoulder often. Just in case.
9. Check for ticks. Do not share your sleeping bag with ticks.
10. You are NOT a detective or a park ranger. If you hear strange noises, do NOT investigate.
Thank you for reading this edition of actuALLY scary.
Is that a tick on your shoulder? 👀